
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19-20
JOIN US EVERY 4TH SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH @ 11:00AM TO LEARN MORE & JOIN THE TEAM. PLEASE EMAIL: GOINGPLACESWITHJESUS@GMAIL.COMEvangelism is proclaiming the Gospel – the good news about Jesus Christ which is God’s power to save all who believe it and turn from sin to follow him.

Be a Part of Leading people to Jesus

“Evangelism” is proclaiming God’s “evangel” or “gospel.” This message or “Word” is empowered by God to create saving faith in people to believe his gospel, turn from sin and follow Jesus. The word “gospel” means “good news.” It was used in the Roman Empire of New testament times for momentous public announcements like the birth of an Emperor. The “Gospel of God” is God’s sensational announcement to his world, progressively revealed throughout the Bible (Rom. 1:1-17). The Gospel is not everything good announced in the Bible but has specific content.

The mystery of the Gospel becomes crystal clear when Jesus is unveiled as the promised King saving sinners into his Kingdom. There are many versions of God’s Gospel because it concerns a person and not a formula. But two glorious themes emerge in them all: Jesus is our Lord (his identity) and Jesus is our Saviour (his activity). Both are stunningly good news for the world.

Jesus is our Lord

In Romans 1:1-4, Paul explains the Gospel of God for all nations is “regarding his Son.” If we’re not talking about Jesus, we’re not talking about the gospel. Paul repeatedly summarises it with the phrase, “Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 1:4; Acts; Col. 2:6; 2Cor. 4:5):

  • Jesus” means the crucified Galilean of history;
  • Christ” means the promised Messiah-saviour of the Old Testament;
  • Lord” means the divine and risen king over all.

God’s Gospel celebrates how amazing Jesus is: Jesus is Christ our Lord. It then tells us what he’s done: